Goon's World Extras

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Today is the day - Spirit Lake vs. NCAA

Today is the big day for the Spirit Lake Sioux tribe and Standing Rock Sioux member Archie Fool Bear as they will get their day in court to find out if the law suit should move forward or be thrown out of court.
FARGO (AP) — The ongoing dispute over the University of North Dakota's Fighting Sioux nickname has shifted venues from the state Supreme Court to federal court.

Attorneys are scheduled to meet in Fargo Thursday afternoon to argue whether a lawsuit by the Spirit Lake Sioux tribe and Standing Rock Sioux member Archie Fool Bear should move forward.

The suit claims several rights violations. It seeks at least $10 million from the NCAA and a reversal of its policy banning use of American Indian imagery.

The NCAA says the complaint has no legal basis and should be dismissed.

I like many other Sioux fans are interested in seeing how this law suit plays out in court. Although I am not a lawyer, I see this court case as basically the last chance for the University of North Dakota keeping the Fighting Sioux nickname.

Some legal minds have also claimed that even if the law suit is successful against the NCAA, the NCAA could turn around and tell the litigants to shove off because they already have a surrender settlement agreement that was signed by the state of North Dakota.