Goon's World Extras

Friday, April 27, 2012

Thomas Clarifies the We/They statements

Goalie Tim Thomas, NHL Hockey player for the B...
Goalie Tim Thomas, NHL Hockey player for the Boston Bruins (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Boston Bruins goalie Tim Thomas has clarified his we/they statements that he made during the post game press conference. Personally, I think there are some in the Boston Media that are trying to make an issue out of Thomas' comments and looking further into them than they need to.
Thomas for his part clarified his “we/they” statements after Game 7 by saying he was using the word “they” to make sure his teammates were getting credit without him involving himself in the complimentary statements.

“It’s because I’m trying to give them credit without giving credit to myself. They deserve a huge amount of credit. Don’t read too much in the ‘they/us’ thing, please. What I’m trying to say is that this is a special group of guys in here. Whether we won the Cup last year or whether we failed this time. It’s a special group of guys that bodes well for the future of the Boston Bruins.” [Joe Haggerty, CSNNE]
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