Goon's World Extras

Sunday, April 15, 2012

NHL has turtled in fight against head shots?

Daniel Alfredsson
Daniel Alfredsson (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Check out this post, the author has a point. I am sure that we will see this subject discussed a lot in the next few weeks and probably into the summer.
ED WILLES, POSTMEDIA NEWS --- That's bad enough. But it seems there's been at least one vicious head shot in every frickin' game since the Weber incident: the Rangers' Carl Hagelin's hit on Daniel Alfredsson, Chris Phillips' hit on Ryan Callahan, the Sharks' T.J. Galiardi's hit on the Blues' Andy McDonald, the Blues' Vladimir Sobotka's sucker punch on the Sharks' Dominic Moore. And that's just for starters.
The resulting spit storm has been a nightmare for the NHL. This is the one time of the year when the focus of the North American sports media is on hockey but the focus isn't on the game. Instead, the spotlight is on a sport that appears to be almost criminally violent.

The league actually allowed itself to believe it was getting in front of the head-shot issue, but when given the chance to demonstrate just how seriously they're taking it, they turtled.
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