Goon's World Extras

Friday, April 13, 2012

Canucks Hate - The hockey world really does hate them

I could spend a lot of time giving you reasons why I hate the Vancouver Canucks. If you read this blog during the 2011 NHL Stanley Cup Playoffs, that hold the Canucks in a very low regard, but I am not alone. There is so many reasons why and so little space to cover all of the reasons. All you have to do is type Hate Vancouver Canucks on Google and you will get thousands of hits on webpages covering this subject.

I once compared the Canucks fan base to the fans of a college hockey team that resides in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

I am not a lone in my hate for the Canucks, there are thousands of hockey fans outside of the city of Vancouver that hate the Vancouver Canucks. This isn’t a small isolated case.

Let’s start with their players, the Vancouver Canucks have a conga line of buffoons and unlikeable characters.

First you have Kevin Bieksa; who is a player that played his college hockey at Bowling Green State University. Bieksa is a bully, who loves to beat up and fight the other teams skilled players and players that shy away from the fights, if you look at his Hockey Fights page you will see that he doesn’t fight the skilled fighters and heavy weights very often.

Then you have Max Lapierre this guy is an absolute clown. The former Hab, Lapierre is a perfect fit on the Canucks, he can dive with the best in the NHL and this guy also loves to run his mouth and he tends to turtle or hide behind the refs when someone that knows how to fight comes to collect.

Like his buddy Bieksa, if he does fight, Lapierre tends to fight the players not known for their fighting prowess. I will be honest with you as a Bruins fan, I would dislike this clown no matter what team he is on. There will also be many of us that will adopt whatever team is playing the Canucks during the Stanley Cup Playoffs, just because this clown is on the Canucks.

Another clown in the Canucks line-up is uber hack Alex Burrows, this guy is absolute disgrace and probably one of the “most” unlikable characters in the NHL. There are hours of video to back up my point and there is too little bandwidth available.

Like Lapierre, Kesler and the Sedin twins, he flails, throws his head back and dives up and down the ice with the best of them, this guy would also be a perfect Montreal Canadian. This is the same clown that pulled the hair of Chicago defenseman Duncan Keith during the 2009 season and of course we all saw him bite Boston Bruin’s forward Patrice Bergeron last year during the Stanley Cup Finals. I don’t understand how this guy doesn’t get his clock cleaned every game.

Then there is the Sedin Twins; Daniel and Henrik, these guys are world class athletes and probably the first pick in anyone's fantasy hockey draft, unfortunately, they are two of the biggest frauds in the NHL, the Sedin twins skate up and down the ice flopping and flailing all-over the ice. Some fans refer to them as the Sedin Sisters.

Then you have American born Ryan Kesler, this guy is officially dead to me, I can’t respect an American  hockey players that dives like he does. Everytime he is hit, Kesler throws his head back and flails up and down the ice and is only surpased by the Sedin twins in his antics. True to form, Kesler was already displaying this poor sportsmanship in game one of the Stanley Cup playoffs.

The American born and former Boston College Eagle goalie Cory Schneider doesn’t seem to understand why no one likes his team. I guess that Schneider must not read the papers.
"What's frustrating to us is when the national media and people outside the city parachute in and form these opinions," Schneider said. "They take things for facts that aren't really facts. If you talk to us and spend any time with us, you understand we're good guys. Dan Hamhuis, the twins, Manny [Malhotra], Sami Salo. They play the game the right way and do great things in the community." "You look around the league and people don't like us and Pittsburgh and we're two of the better teams," Schneider said. "You saw Darcy Hordichuk and Ben Eager in Edmonton. Nobody cares about Edmonton so nobody hates them. It's that simple." [CBS Sports]

But the “hate” isn’t only coming from the fans and media, the players also despise the Canucks as well. NHL writers Hosea Cheung and Ken Wiebe held a chat on this past Wednesday on the league's most hated team, the Vancouver Canucks. Hosea Cheung said this when replying to a fans comment.
CanuckPeg, players openly talk about hating the Canucks, how is the media hyping it up?? It's not exactly a secret