Goon's World Extras

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Alzner tells Lucic to stop crying

The Washington Capitals might want to have Karl Alzner review a few of Lucic's fight video's because the last thing that Lucic is; is a whiner. I got a chuckle out of this as well. Alzner is probably lucky that he was rescued by the ref before Lucic got a hold of him. If Alzner is confused he can confer with Paul Gaustad of Buffalo.
"Well, there's a lot of [proof] on my side to show that I'm not a crybaby," Lucic said after the game. "That's a lot coming from a guy I think who's got two roughing penalties in three years, so there you go.

Asked whether he felt Alzner was the third man in, an offense that is punishable by a game misconduct, Lucic grinned and chose his words carefully before answering, "Yup." [WEEI.COM]
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