Goon's World Extras

Sunday, March 25, 2012

NHL throws book at Keith, ignores Sedins hit

While a suspension for Duncan Keith is warranted by the National Hockey League, the Vice President of Player Safety Brendan Shanahan proved once again that there are two sets of rules in the NHL.

If you're a super star like Daniel Sedin or ________ insert superstar you can hit people in the head with an elbow and not suffer any consequences. However, if you a "lesser" star player like a Duncan Keith who doesn't have the mojo  of one of the Sedin twins or a an Evgeni Malkin you're given more lee-way and room to commit questionable bush league acts without the fear of being suspended until you have committed a fair number of them like Alex Ovechkin, then the league is forced to suspend them. Another fail by Shanahan.
CBC.COM --- "Regardless of Keith's assertion that the intent on this play was to impede Sedin's progress as opposed to a retaliation for an earlier hit, Keith's hit was still dangerous, reckless and caused injury," said NHL disciplinarian Brendan Shanahan in a statement.
"We've also taken into consideration Keith's supplemental discipline record which includes no suspensions and one fine over nearly seven NHL seasons."