Goon's World Extras

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Malkin not disciplined

Another questionable hit on a Boston Bruins by a Pittsburgh Penguin and another Penguin escapes punishment by the NHL. So basically, don't expect a player to get suspended if they hit a Boston Bruin with a questionable hit.

I could see how Boston Bruins fans might question the NHL and their judgement. Also, I think that Brendan Shanahan is basically a fraud and no better than Colin Campbell, there are one set of rules for star players and there is another set of rules for tough guys and goons. One could also make the argument that, if Milan Lucic or Brad Marchand had hit Malkin or Sidney Crosby with a hit like this, they would've been suspended or at least fined by the NHL. 
Mike Cole, NESN --- The Bruins have been the victim of some suspect hits over the years in Pittsburgh, and once again, the league has allowed the Penguins to skate without punishment.

The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette reports that the league will not discipline Pens star Evgeni Malkin for his hit on Bruins defenseman Johnny Boychuk which came in the third period of the Penguins' 5-2 win over Boston on Sunday.

While the hit was not nearly as bad as the hit Matt Cooke leveled Bruins center Marc Savard with two years ago, there were some that thought Malkin would be looking at least a fine.
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