Goon's World Extras

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Malkin hit on Boychuck

The powers that be in the NHL gives us lip service on how they want to take these types of dirty and unnecesarry hits out of the game of hockey.

In fact the powers that be want to take these types of hits out of all levels of hockey, but then the officials let a super star player off of the hook by only giving them a two minute minor.

I guess it's okay to make these types of dirty and dangerous hits that if your star player like Evgeni Malkin. It would appear that you're not going to the get the five minute major and the game misconduct, if you're a star player like Malkin.

After the game, the head coach of the Boston Bruins Claude Julien didn't seem to like the Malkin hit on defenseman Johnny Boychuk.

"My opinion doesn't matter," Julien said. "We'll have to wait to see what happens from that. But it was Malkin that hit, right? It wasn't [Matt] Cooke? It was Malkin. We'll see. The league will have to look at it. It was a hit from behind. They're the ones who make those decisions. We don't like those hits.

"My job is tough enough as it is. I don't want to do his, because his job is pretty tough as well," Julien added of NHL disciplinarian Brendan Shanahan. "I'm talking about Shanny. So we'll let Shanny do his job and I'll do mine and we'll just move on. You've just got to look at it that way. For different reasons they make their assessments and they decide. So we as coaches have to do our jobs and work with the guys we have." [NESN.COM]
More fuel for the fire is, why was Johnny Boychuk allowed to return to the game after he just got hit with a questionable check and it looked as if he was dazed after the hit. Boychuk had just returned to the Boston Bruins line up after being out a two games with a concussion. 
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