Goon's World Extras

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Did they not see the game? Canucks and their adoring media practice revisionist history…

The most unlikable team is back in the news again whining about the Chicago Blackhawks; their fans can't figure out why we can’t stand their whinny team. There is just so much ammo and so little time. I will make an attempt...
Ed Willes, The Province --- The play in question occurred 13½ minutes into the first period in an affair that had already taken on an edge. Jannik Hansen scored on the game’s first shift. Daniel finished a hit on Keith that was high. Just prior to Keith’s retaliation, Alex Edler flattened Hawks forward Andrew Shaw.

An aerial pass was then sent over Daniel’s head and as he moved to chase the puck, Keith delivered an elbow to the point of his chin. Sedin went down, didn’t appear to lose consciousness, tried to play a shift on the ensuing power play, then called it a night.

Those, at least, are the facts of the case, your honour, and they will be reviewed in great detail in forthcoming days. But, for once, the Canucks didn’t wait for the officiating crew and/or Brendan Shanahan to mete out justice. For once, the Canucks took matters into their own hands.

Frist off, I am not condoning either hit; they’re both equally bad in my opinion. Both are dirty hits and need to be removed from the game of hockey. My solution is, don’t hit someone with a dirty hit and then scream and bawl when you’re taken out by the same player you hit with a dirty hit.

First during last night game, if we need to review at all, there were "two" questionable hits. The only one that seems to be getting any play is the Keith hit on Sedin.

First it’s Daniel Sedin that hit Duncan Keith with a high dirty hit in the head. That is unacceptable as well. Keith not to be outdone returned the favor with a very questionable dirty high hit in the head to Daniel Sedin. For me, all you have to do is watch Alex Burroughs knee Duncan Keith in the groin that should be worthy of a game suspension as well…

Now we have media, fans the hockey pundits eviscerating Duncan Keith will giving the Daniel Sedin a free pass. They shouldn’t. That being said, you can’t have it both ways Canucks apologists. If a player hits someone with a dirty, high hit and then is a victim of the same hit later, that player doesn’t hold a moral high ground. I believe that both players are equally culpable in this situation and they should both be fined the NHL max and given a reprimand from the NHL.