Goon's World Extras

Wednesday, February 01, 2012

Hab's whining again...

Here is the latest dust up on the ice. This time the Montreal Canadians players are whining and complaining about something that the Buffalo Sabres forward Paul Gaustad said on the ice, and after further review, it would appear that Max Pacioretty said something stupid to Gaustad first and got a response and got a quick response back. In my opinion it sounds like Pacioretty got PWND in this case, and maybe he should just keep his mouth shut.
Buffalo, NY (WGR 550) -- Right after Pat Kaleta scored into the empty net Tuesday in Montreal to ice the game, he did his arm pumping goal celebration down the slot. Max Pacioretty took exception and started talking trash as he does all game. His target this time was Paul Gaustad. Pacioretty asked him “Where’s Lucic” with Gaustad countering “Where’s Chara” in reference to the hit Chara put on Pacioretty into the glass last year that started a near riot in the city of Montreal and almost ended his career.
Seriously, Pacioretty you ran your mouth to Buffalo's Gaustad and asked him where Lucic was and he smartly replied, there is no reason for the Hab's to get upset with Gaustad. I think it's fair game. Time to Habs to stop whining and start act like men.
Price described Gaustad as a “guy who likes to run his mouth” and the Buffalo player reportedly asked Pacioretty: “Where’s Chara?” That was a reference to Boston defenceman Zdeno Chara’s hit that ended Pacioretty’s season last spring. [Montreal Gazette]
Me personally, I have never been a fan of talking smack on the ice and chirping your opponent, it happens a lot in Football and Hockey and there are times when some of it's funny and other times where players say thing to each other that isn't needed and unnecessary. As a player if you say stupid to your opponent you open yourself up for return smack.

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