Goon's World Extras

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Jack Todd is dead wrong

Wow!!! So this is supposed to be journalism? I want to make sure I read that right. If you disagree with the president of the United States Barrack Obama you're a racist? So Jack Todd is suggesting that Tim Thomas is a racist for not attending the White House Celebration? What a buffoon.  David Webb who is a leader in the Tea Party that happens to be black, talked about this subject on his radio show recently. 
Jack Todd, Montreal Gazette --- Thomas’s decision to skip a team visit to the White House because he buys the garbage pumped out by Glenn Beck and his ilk was bad enough. But then, having pulled a highly public stunt to call attention to his whacko politics, Thomas blamed the media for paying attention.

Look, if this cretin wants to stand outside the White House and spew his drivel, that’s free speech. But standing up the president? All that does is show that Thomas has the class of a swamp-rat.

What’s worse, you know Thomas would not have done this with the liberal Democrat Bill Clinton in the White House. Truth is, he felt free to dis Barack Obama, because Obama is black.

At least he accomplished one thing: Thomas earned himself a lifetime membership in the MMQB’s zeros section, right next to Jeffrey Loria and David Samson. May he suffer many a groin pull for the rest of his sorry career.
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