Goon's World Extras

Thursday, January 05, 2012

Does this concern anyone? Scheer lacks hockey knowledge

USA Today
In reading this newspaper article from the Saint Cloud Times, I found this to be interesting. Newly hired Jim Scheer has little if any hockey knowledge and is now going to be in charge of one of the premiere division I hockey conferences in the country.
Nick Hatten, Saint Cloud Times --- While Scherr has plenty of sports administration and marketing on his resume, his work and knowledge of hockey is limited.

“I’ll be working with the athletic directors on getting up to speed,” he said. “I played one year of organized hockey in South Dakota and I played pond hockey. I dealt with the NHL at the USOC.

“I have a long ways to go in building my knowledge of the game.”
Gasparini won three national titles as coach at North Dakota and spent 13 years as commissioner of the United States Hockey League in junior hockey. He admitted to having some “personal feelings” of apprehension about Scherr’s lack of work in hockey.

“Everybody thought it was more important to have a strong leader and administrator than a hockey person,” Gasparini said. “But Jim’s been around sports all his life. I don’t think the grass will grow under his feet with regards to learning about the game.”
I am interested in what others think about the newly hired commissioner of the NCHC? I do think that the NCHC is going to have to hire a good number two person that knows a lot about hockey. Cough, cough, cough… Gino Gasparini... I think that former Fighting Sioux head coach and athletic director and current St. Cloud State’s special adviser to the president for athletics Gino Gasparini would be a good choice for someone to fill the number two spot. Gino was a successful hockey coach and would know the in and outs of college hockey.