Goon's World Extras

Friday, December 23, 2011

Lennart Petrell will not be suspended

I think this was a bad hit, I think Petrel should have been at least suspended because it was a dangerous hit, but I am not surprised that that hit didn't garner a suspension. I also said this last night.
While Lennart Petrell's hit On Marek Zidlicky might not have appeared to be malicious, it's unnecessary, it's a dangerous hit and it's also a hit that has to be removed from the NHL.

It's hits like this that can cause serious injury, to include unneeded and unnecessary concussions.If a player is going to check an opposition player and he sees number, that player has to pull up and not make the hit. The fact that the fans are booing that hit is also aggravating. I predict that there will be no suspension from this hit because Zidlicky didn't appear to be hurt.

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