Goon's World Extras

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Deryk Engelland will get a call from Shanny

This is why I like the NHL; a player dishes out what I would classify as a dirty bush league check on an opposing player. His teammate who happens to be trailing the play takes issue with the questionable hit and challenges the offending player to a fight.

In this case Blackhawks heavy weight John Scott, reacted appropriately to the questionable hit; Scott came to his teammates aid and immediately challenged the perpetrator Deryk Engelland's to a Fight. per the hockey code, Engelland immediately paid for his dirty check on Markus Kruger by getting the tar beat out of him. 

After watching this display, the Pittsburgh Pengiuns have no room to complain about head shots, while most of us know that the league's top player in on the shelf  with a concussion, one of his teammates is out there hitting other players in the head with a dirty checks like this, which in my opinion is definitely a violation of rule 48.

Per NHL.COM  Pittsburgh's Deryk Engelland faces a supplemental discipline hearing with the NHL's Department of Player Safety on Thursday morning. In my opinion you can expect a 2-4 game suspension would be the proper call.
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