Goon's World Extras

Friday, November 25, 2011

The First WTF Game of the year for UND (RW77)

Empty NetImage via WikipediaWhat the [BLEEP]

Ok, I admit that family engagements took me away for half the game. I came into the picture just after Kristo scored the game tying goal and both goaltenders were replaced. And when Hennessey said "6-6" on the radio, I assumed he was talking about some player's height. Later, on I-29 at the I-29/I-94 Interchange when he restated that it was the score, I almost crashed (ok, I didn't but I was shocked).

What the BLEEP happened in this game? Where did our D go? Where did our goaltending go? Where did our offense come from? Where did CC's D and goaltending come from? Why did Thrombert (sp?) start this game and not Howe?

I thought I was in bizarro world because our D took a break and our offense showed up... unlike previous contests where our D was the only positive aspect of our gameplay.

So I get home as the second period ends and it appeared (as much as the radio can tell me) that it was pretty much blah hockey after the sixth UND goal until the third period began.

Anyways, I was able to get online to watch the third period and here are a few things I noticed:

1. CC was atrocious with the puck. I've never seen more whiffs in my life! Was this because the ice was bad or were they seriously NOT paying enough attention toward handling the puck?

2. CC was disorganized at times and seemed to be lost. CC better thank Howe big time tonight because he bailed out their backsides many many times.

3. Eidsness was solid but not great. He did not give up a goal and he did make a few great saves, but there were plenty of instances where CC took themselves out of the equation when they had a clear shot. I am a Eidsness supporter and I do believe he played well enough tonight to earn a start tomorrow, but who knows what Hakstol has in mind. I could see Hakstol going back to Dell to see if he gets a good game on the rebound.

4. Forbert was amazing in the third period. I thought he played incredibly well and saved Eidsness' hide a few times.

5. Kristo ends the night with 2 goals and 1 assist. Although he may end up with it anyways, if he scores one more point this weekend, there's no way Kristo isn't the WCHA Offensive POTW. No way.

6. This is not the format we need to win. Once again, it was almost exclusively first and second liners scoring the goals. The only exception was Nick Mattson's goal and Michael Parks' goal. That's something like the 2nd or 3rd goal this year from the 3rd or 4th line. Not very balanced still.

7. Howe is clearly better than Thrombert. I don't need to elaborate other than the game winner was a goal that Howe had ZERO chance of saving... without super powers anyways.

8. Gleason looks a lot better.

9. I definitely like this look better than dressing a D as a forward. Sorry "Big Jim" but I do not like Senkbeil as a forward. He doesn't add anything and he even said he's never played forward until recently.

10. My three stars: 3rd Star: Brock Nelson (2g, 1a; solid night overall). 2nd Star: Rylan Schwartz (3 goals). 1st Star: Danny Kristo (2g, 1a). Honorable mentions to Corbin Knight, Nick Mattson, Nick Dineen

I think Eidsness gets the nod tomorrow (my hunch). I also think all the offense we saw tonight will be gone tomorrow. I say no more than 5 goals combined tomorrow.
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