Goon's World Extras

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Canucks' Raymond 'will never be the same'

Here is a follow up on former on former UMD Bulldog Mason Raymond, sounds like he had a very long painful struggle to get back to the NHL. This story was in today's Vancouver Sun, the video of the hit in question is included above.
Vancouver Sun --- Run into the boards by Boston Bruins defenceman Johnny Boychuk, who held down Raymond’s head as he rammed the Canuck backwards, Raymond suffered not only a fractured spine but damaged nerves and tissue.

“It’s a serious injury that’s going to take some time,” he said. “Things have changed back there. It will never be the same. I’m not going to get into specifics, but I had some serious damage back there. I’ve got issues back there. I’ve got to deal with them all the time. That’s part of life. Is it going to be perfect? Probably not. But I’m at a stage where it’s very good and I continue to work and do things that are going to make me feel I’m in a good spot.”

Raymond spent most of last summer in a back brace and when training camp began in September the 26-year-old from Cochrane, Alta., was still unsure if he’d play again in the National Hockey League. Sometime in the fall, he crossed the threshold between “if” and “when” and three weeks ago he began practicing with teammates.
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