Goon's World Extras

Sunday, October 09, 2011

Pierre-Marc Bouchard high stick on Matt Calvert

This incident happened during last night's Wild and Blue Jackets games apparently Columbus Blue Jackets head coach Scott Arniel was less than pleased that Pierre-Marc Bouchard only got a double minor. Just for the record  Bouchard has already had a call with the NHL.
It looked like a baseball swing in live action, but the Wild contended Bouchard’s stick was lifted into Calvert’s face.

The Jackets didn’t buy it. Bouchard was given a double-minor, but the Jackets wanted a five-minute major.

“It’s definitely an attempt to injure,” Arniel said. “Our whole bench saw it. Their whole bench saw it." [Blue Jacket Extra]
After looking at this high stick do you think Bouchard's high stick worthy of a suspension? Remember; Bouchard is not some untalented goon and Bouchard doesn't have a reputation of being a dirty player either. My question is, do the fans, players and coaches expect the NHL to suspend each and every major penalty and questionable infraction that happens on the ice? Not every major penalty requires a suspension. While I think this was a blatant high stick but probably "not worthy" of a suspension.
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