Goon's World Extras

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Vancouver Canucks beat writer still bitter?

From time to time I check out the Orland Kurtenblog because I find his posts to be interesting and thought provoking. Seems like Vancouver media just can't get over losing to the Boston Bruins in the Stanley Cup finals, not only did Brand Marchand get under the skin of the Vancouver Canucks, it appears that Brad Marchand also got under the skin of the Vancouver media as well. Hell I think that makes Marchand even more valuable.
Orland Kurtenblog --- The $5 mil total also proves that, if you want to make some serious money in the league, you should try speedbagging a Sedin.

I mean, let’s be real here. Marchand is a good player and you can’t downplay his postseason effectiveness — but everyone knows how he made a name for himself, and it wasn’t for relentless back-checking. Marchand whaled on the Art Ross trophy winner, bragged about it, and everybody ate it up. Fans, media and television talking heads were tripping over each other to anoint him the rodent du jour, taking the “next Ken Linesman” label away from Dave Bolland (who, to be fair, took it away from Steve Ott. I think the point here is the “rat king” label frequently changes holders.) This wasn’t necessarily wrong, just overblown. On the list of things that prevented Vancouver from winning, Marchand’s agitation skills were somewhere in the middle
Brad Marchand plays on the edge all the time and during the Stanley Cup finals Marchand was up in Daniel Sedin's grill for most of the series... Just a little reminder in case anyone forgot, how about this move by Brad Marchand as he showed Daniel Sedin if you going to keep skating after the whistle Marchand is going to protect himself. [Click to view video] Again, did people expect Marchand to just let Sedin run him?
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