Goon's World Extras

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

The NHL throws the book at James Wisniewski

I must applaud NHL Senior Vice President of Player Safety Brendan Shanahan for suspending Columbus defenseman James Wisniewski, first, this is a senseless move because the game is officially over and there is no reason to make that gutless play. Second, Columbus is a conference opponent so Wisniewski will have ample opportunity to get another crack at Cal Clutterbuck and if he must challenge him to a fight. Third, Wisniewski needs to learn how to take a check and get over it, I am sick and tired of this mentality that if you get hit by someone with a legal check that you need to fight them. Take their number and get them back later. There is no room for these kind of hits in the NHL and they are being dealt with. In reading the Columbus Blue Jackets beat writer blog and the comments of the Columbus fans it would appear that the Columbus Blue Jacket nation does not agree with the ruling.
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