Goon's World Extras

Monday, September 05, 2011

CHL vs the NCAA, is there money changing hands

Ontario Hockey LeagueImage via WikipediaAfter reading this article a few times in the past week then going back and re-reading the quotes from Paul Kelly earlier this summer, “As much as the CHL denies it, there are still instances where money is being paid to the family to lure kids away and de-commit from colleges." Those comments Paul Kelly that some have deemed controversial by many have been followed up with these comments.
Craig Custance; Sporting News --- “The amount of money under the table in those leagues is rampant,” said RPI coach Seth Appert, who just ended his term as president of the American Hockey College Association. “That’s against NCAA rules, no matter how we slice it.”

Said Berenson: “I know some kids have been paid, there’s no question about that. I can’t tell you what the OHL allows or what they don’t allow. I know some kids that have been paid.”

In a conversation with Sporting News, one player weighing the decision confirmed he’d been offered a significant financial package to play in Canada, saying it’s not an easy thing to turn down.

“Everybody has their price,” he said.

It’s not a new accusation. Kelly has been publicly vocal in his belief that elite players are getting six-figure payments to lure them away from the NCAA. And, Kelly contends, it’s for more than just education.

Kelly shared a conversation he had with a player who broke a college commitment last summer to play in Quebec. Kelly asked him why he did it.

“He said because ‘they wrote me a check for $100,000 and I’m going to go out and buy a new car,’ ” Kelly said. “This kid never had any education anywhere in his radar.”
With all that happened this summer, I have to wonder if I am the only one from the Fighting Sioux fan base that thought this? Why J.T. Miller all of a sudden de-commit from the Fighting Sioux to sign with the Plymouth Whalers? Did the Plymouth Whalers offer J.T. Miller something to change his mind and go play for the Whalers instead of the Sioux? Miller really hasn't talked about his de-commitment from the Fighting Sioux.I think it's a legitimate question that needs to be explored more.
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