Goon's World Extras

Sunday, September 04, 2011

And Another one Jumps to Major Juniors

Maybe this was pointed out earlier but......

2012 Minnesota Gopher recruit Joel Vienneau, a highly touted goaltender (worthy of note, from Canada), signed with Sudbury of the OHL instead of staying in Muskegon for one more year before heading to the Twin Cities.

Here is the article.

It looks like he bought the line about the Major Juniors being the way to go to get to the NHL.

I'd love to blast the Gophers as I'm no fan of theirs but I don't think Minnesota had anything to do with this.

It is nice to see that Joel has his head on straight. I mean, I too would go to an organization where a spot with playing time isn't guaranteed over a team where that same spot is virtually guaranteed. Not to mention the fact that NHL scouts know who the Gophers are.

Well, oh well. Maybe he'll turn into another Josh Unice or Brandon Maxwell (IIRC) or Anthony Grieco.

Best of luck.