Goon's World Extras

Monday, August 08, 2011

Whatcha gonna do Daniel Carcillo?

So the Chicago Blackhawks have added known NHL pest Daniel “Car Bomb” Carcillo during the off-season to help keep the opposition players in check.  So my next question is; does that include getting beat up by players like current Winnipeg Jet and former Colorado College Tiger defenseman Mark Stewart?

I mean what is Daniel Carcillo going to bring to the table for the Chicago Blackhawks? Is Daniel Carcillo going to be a pain in the ass on ice and take stupid penalties for the Chicago Blackhawks? Doesn’t take a lot of talent to do that… I suppose Carcillo he can punch out star players like the Sedin twins (Ala Marian Gaborik) and play the same role that Vancouver Canucks defenseman Kevin Beiksa does. I mean it doesn't really take that much talent to beat up on skilled players that aren't known for dropping the gloves and fighting.

Tim Sassone; Daily Herald --- Like him or not (I like him), the Blackhawks aren't going to be dull with Daniel Carcillo on the ice and in the dressing room.

Carcillo met the media for the first time on Monday since signing with the Hawks as a free agent and said all the right things, particularly how he already has a dislike for the Vancouver Canucks.

“I watched that (playoff) series and I'm actually pretty excited to play them because there's a few guys there that played a little bit outside their shoes and I think I can keep most of those guys in check when we play them this year,” Carcillo said. “Lapierre, Glass and Torres. Lapierre's at the top of the list.”

Who cares if Torres and Glass are no longer with the Canucks, Carcillo's point was those three players he felt took liberties with the Hawks in the playoffs, no doubt remembering Torres' head shot on Brent Seabrook. And from the sound of it, those are the things Carcillo won't let happen this season.

“I think after the team won the Stanley Cup they lost some of their grit, and I think everybody realized that,” Carcillo said. “Stan has brought me in and brought Jamal (Mayers) in and brought Steve (Montador) in to get that back and to get that attitude and swagger back they had when they won the Cup that year.

“This team has always had that attitude and swagger to it. It's going to be exciting to bring that back. The biggest thing that me and Stan have talked about is just to get that attitude back and that push back and that (bleep) you attitude, you know what I mean?”

Carcillo will start the season with a two-game suspension from an incident in the playoffs but said it comes with the territory.
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