Goon's World Extras

Tuesday, August 09, 2011

Sean Avery challenging cops to a fight is anti social behavior…

Photo by Troy Parla, Sean Avery, Martin Brodeu...Image via WikipediaIn looking at his latest incident, I have to say that Sean Avery is a major league douche bag that just doesn’t learn. My first question is; how many second chances does this clown get? You can almost bet that Avery will be having a talk with the Rangers and the NHL front office.
TMZ.COM --- NHL star Sean Avery challenged cops to a FIGHT when they responded to his Hollywood Hills home this morning ... calling them, "Fat little pigs" ... law enforcement sources tell TMZ.

We're told cops were dispatched to the home over a complaint about loud music --and when they arrived to Avery's pad, the hockey star was NOT happy to see them.

Sources tell us 31-year-old Avery immediately began running his mouth at the cops -- telling them he would fight all of them ... even challenging them to, "Come back without your badges."
First; I would like to say that Sean Avery is very, very lucky; because his random act of stupidity should have cause him to be tased by the Hollywood Hills cops that he physically and verbally accosted… Shoving a cop in most states is as serious offense and considered either a felonious or a gross misdemeanor assault and if convicted Avery should go to jail just like the common folks do.

While some might think this is funny, Sean Avery didn't have to verbally and physically assault these policemen, he could have simply told them we will hold the noise down, these cops aren’t paid enough to be berated by a second class jerk like Sean Avery.

If I was the GM of the New York Rangers I would flush this clown turd to the Waiver Wire. Shoving and challenging a police officer(s) to a fight and calling them derogatory names is consider anti-social behavior and is unacceptable in a civilized society.
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