Goon's World Extras

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Montreal police complete their investigation on Chara...

This just in from James Murphy of ESPN Boston. My first question is; what the heck are they going investigate? Along those same lines, how many police detectives did the Montreal Police department use to investigate this hockey play/hit? The play in question was about 3-4 strides and about 3.5 seconds ending with Pacioretty getting hurt.

Let's not kid ourselves Max Pacioretty got hurt and that was unfortunate, no one wants to see anyone get hurt on the ice, On the flip side of that discussion, do we want metro police departments and law enforcement agencies investigating questionable hits or actions that take place on the ice or playing fields I am being serious; you don't see the Boston or Pittsburgh Police departments charging Penguins' hack Matt Cooke with a crime for attempting to take Marc Savard head off, which was a more egregious hit than the Chara hit on Pacioretty. There was no crime committed by Zdeno Chara. What nexts, is the Montreal Police Department going to send officers to the Boston Bruins locker room and take Chara away in hand cuffs, just like they did the Hanson Brothers in the movie Slap Shot... Let's wrap this up, and move on.
James Murphy, ESPN --- Montreal police have concluded their investigation into Bruins captain Zdeno Chara’s controversial hit on Canadiens forward Max Pacioretty on March 8 and forwarded their report to Crown prosecutors. It is now their decision whether to prosecute Chara.

Amid public outcry from Canadiens and NHL fans in Montreal after Chara was not suspended by the NHL for the hit that left Pacioretty with a cracked vertebrae and concussion, the police launched an investigation in March and just recently questioned Chara.
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