Goon's World Extras

Monday, August 22, 2011

The end of the Colin Campbell Wheel of Justice.

It would appear that the Colin Campbell Wheel of Justice has finally been retired, this is good news because it will probably finally silence the conspiracy theorists who thought that Colin Campbell was in the tank for the Boston Bruins.
Nicholas J. Cotsonika, --- The NHL has a new disciplinarian: Brendan Shanahan(notes). It has rewritten the rules regarding boarding and illegal checks to the head, broadening their scope. And now, every time Shanahan and his colleagues announce a suspension, they will release a video simultaneously explaining what they saw, everything they deliberated and why they settled on that certain sanction. It might be on a case-by-case basis, but they hope to release a video after each disciplinary hearing, not just each suspension, so they can give an explanation when they decide not to take action, too.
I think going forward that the NHL under the direction of Brendan Shanahan is going to be run more smoothly and be more transparent when making their disciplinary decisions than the league did under Colin Campbell… In the past Colin Campbell’s decisions seem to lack consistency and where far from transparent and most of the time Campbell's decisions just left people scratching their heads.
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