Goon's World Extras

Friday, August 12, 2011

Former Sioux football players Jim Kleinsasser weighs in...

Jim Kleinsasser, while a member of the Minneso...Image via WikipediaFormer Fighting Sioux tight end Jim Kleinsasser weighs in on the Fighting Sioux logo issue. Like I have said in the past, as soon as today's meeting is over between the NCAA and the North Dakota delegation I think we will see a move away from the Fighting Sioux logo because UND can not jeporidize their membership in the Big Sky Conference.
MANKATO, Minn. — The Fighting Sioux nickname has no doubt been a loud issue in the NCAA, but it has also resonated into the National Football League.

Minnesota Vikings tight end and former University of North Dakota standout Jim Kleinsasser has been keeping up with the ongoing debate that has been swirling around the campus he once roamed, and though he was always proud of the nickname, the 1998 team captain stated that it might be time to turn the page.

“It’s sad to see it go and I wish it wasn’t,” said Kleinsasser regarding his alma mater’s nickname. “But if it’s going to keep us out of the Big Sky, then we just have to move on and go with it.”
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