Goon's World Extras

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Tuesday evening free for all

I have been reading a lot of comments from fans of the programs that weren’t invited to join the NCHC or the B1G. First off I understand the anger that some fans are experiencing. This is a scary time for college hockey and I believe all of the schools that are not in the B1G are nervous about their college hockey team’s future, I think that’s understandable.

I have to admit that I am nervous as well and like everyone else I am trying to make some sense out of all of this. First off, UND and DU fans seem to be getting a lot of undeserved flak from other college hockey fans, this anger is misdirected and the fans of these two fan bases are not culpable. I mean let’s be serious; the NCHC was formed by the athletic directors of the six charter member schools (UND, DU, UMD, MU, UNO, C.C.). To suggest that only UND and DU is driving this bus is misguided and wrong, why is it that the other schools aren’t receiving some blow back as well? Also, if you have a concern contact one of the AD’s from the various schools in the NCHC, let them know how you feel.

The day the WCHA and the CCHA died?

In my opinion, I also don't think that those schools were wrong to look into the prospects of the new league; I think the WCHA and the CCHA basically died the day the BTHC decided to make their own league, “WE” will never have what we once had. This is why we have the drastic changes that are happening right now. Let’s not kid ourselves it’s easy for a fan of one of the schools in BTHC to lecture the NCHC fans by telling us that the WCHA would have been fine and there was no reason to start another conference even though our schools are not going to be there. Does that not stink of elitism? Maybe, maybe not, I do think that mind set is short sighted to suggest one group of teams is OK to move forward and improve their lot in college hockey while the others are not and accused of ruining the college hockey landscape. I even read on line today that LSSU can blame UND for their plight, WTF? No I don’t think so.

That being said, I also don’t think it’s wrong to be just a little bit excited about the prospects of having our teams play in a new league as well. I am going to be honest here and say that I am torn, I love the WCHA in it’s “current” 12 team configuration, last season’s Final Five in Saint Paul, Minnesota was a blast, I enjoyed sitting in the press box of the Xcel Energy Center and reporting on the game, however, minus the Gophers and Badges the WCHA is just not as attractive of a league without the two Big Ten Schools. The CCHA looks even worse minus Michigan and Michigan State; I can see why Northern Michigan, Western Michigan and Notre Dame are looking at other options. All I can say is can we blame them and no one seems to be angry with them; at least right now.

Holding on to the status quo

I just don’t know how college hockey fans are supposed to process all of this and I do believe that there are going to be some hurt feeling when it’s all said and done. When I said that this stuff makes my chest hurt, I am being serious, there are too many variables out there, no one knows how this is going to end now that the proverbial genie is out of the bottle.

To a certain degree I believe that human being are afraid of change and want to hang on to the status quo as long as they can, I get that, I am the same way, I don’t want to lose the current WCHA either, so I guess I will have to enjoy the last two seasons before the seismic shift in the college hockey landscape.

Who do we really blame?

Moving forward there are two more years till the final Crescendo in the WCHA as we know it, two years are an eternity in college hockey a lot can still happen between now and then. I am hoping we can all get along and contrary to public believe there is a lot of blame to go around for why all these changes are happening, it’s short sighted to just blame UND and DU, there are more factors driving these changes than UND and DU wanting to improve their lot. DU and UND are just a small part of the equation, there are many other factors out there driving these changes in college hockey, there are teams in the breakaway five that unhappy with the WCHA commissioner Bruce McLeod, there are also teams that aren’t all on the same page when it comes to vision on where they believe they want college hockey to go. There are other teams that aren’t as committed financially to college hockey as some of the other schools. Finally you can add the Big Ten Hockey Conference to this equation, there are all kinds of things going on.

I also think it’s funny that very few actually blame Terry Pegula and his act of kindness to donate 88 million dollars to Penn State University so that they could get the ball moving on Division I hockey. Also, I do remember something happening back during the summer of 2009 when a certain AD in the WCHA from Wisconsin was looking to improve his schools lot and wanted to play Michigan and Michigan State more in college hockey... s/t to Gandalf The Red and 60 Minutes...
There were several conference calls between the Big 10 schools w/ varsity hockey along w/ Big 10 commissioner Jim Delany to discuss the creation of a BTHC. There was support for the idea including UW in the form of UW senior associate athletic director Sean Frazier and AD Barry Alvarez. Joel Maturi (gopher AD) spoke out strongly against it, and for probably the only time in world history I agree w/ a ground squirrel.
So I wonder if some of these fans want to amend their statement and still say that it’s all UND and DU’s fault and that UND and DU are killing College hockey. It's more complicated than that.

That’s why I find it funny that no one is blaming Wisconsin A.D. Barry Alvarez and Big Ten Commissioner James E. Delany for any of this mess, didn’t Barry Alvarez inquire two seasons ago about having a BTHC? Or are fans just to blinded by their hate for everything UND? I think the later might be true. What do you think?
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