Goon's World Extras

Tuesday, July 05, 2011

Redwing77 DI Conference Commentary

Western Collegiate Hockey Association logoImage via WikipediaThere has been the "Crap storm" as Goon stated earlier regarding realignment, but it isn't UND that's caused it. It was Penn State. Remember, none of this would have come to fruition had the BTHC not been formed.

I know, I'm blaming the BTHC, but what it has or is coming to is the following: The "For the good of college hockey" is no longer the mantra. College Hockey, Inc. might want to believe it. McLeod might want to believe it. But it would be an idealistic lie. What it is coming to is: "Every program must align itself with other programs that will make their programs more attractive and the division they are in more competitive and strong." So, in essence, it is every school for themselves.

The benefactors of this will be HEA and perhaps even the terrible ECACHL. The losers will be the CCHA and the WCHA. The "who cares" will end up being the BTHC and AHA (who are largely irrelevant anyways).

NOBODY wants to see a conference, large or small, with very little power from top to bottom. Case in point? The AHA. Yeah, there are some decent schools there, but nothing that's going to make any real noise... at least for the foreseeable future. The AHA is full of "God bless them they try" teams and Cinderella teams and nobodies (Like Bentley and AIC). Is this what is good for College hockey?


What I fear is that the "bigger" schools will team up and leave the "weaker" or "littler" schools hanging in the breeze.

You bet I'd love to see the "new" WCHA consist of: UND, DU, CC, Notre Dame, Miami, UMD, and perhaps two other teams like WMU and SCSU

But what would that leave? A conference with UAA, UAF, LSSU, NMU, MTU, BGSU, MSUM, BSU, UAH (giving them the benefit of not remaining independent), and UNO. (There's a chance I'm leaving a few schools out).

But look at that conference! Sure, UND's conference would survive admirably. But what competitive advantage would the other conference have? In my opinion, that would basically be another AHA. In fact, we might as well call it the CHA, because its conference power ranking would essentially mimic it.

Look, it's not all that exciting to see a powerhouse team play a weak team (sometimes called a "cupcake"), even if it is conference play. However, it is how it should be because it raises the competition across the board. How else did MTU, LSSU, NMU, RPI, and all win National Championships if they were in conferences at the time that weren't strong?

What's "best" for college hockey is for the teams NOT in the BTHC to find ways to strengthen their schedules and their conference makeup without killing off programs. This is NOT going to be easy.

I'm not sure I see too many reasons for schools like LSSU, BGSU, NMU, and UAH to keep their hockey programs afloat in this economy if they don't have decent competition to bring people out to their home arenas. And I don't see the BTHC providing that other than to offer these schools an opportunity to travel to their locations to play them.
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