Goon's World Extras

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Is it time to stand and fight or give up the Fighting Sioux nickname.

North Dakota Fighting Sioux men's ice hockeyImage via WikipediaSomeone posted this article on Twitter and I don't think the meeting with the NCAA is going to do a thing. I can't see the NCAA changing their mind. There is no way that UND can sue the NCAA in court and I don't want UND to lose it's conference membership in the Big Sky Conference.  I want to be able to watch UND and Montana State University or the University of Montana in FCS football.  I am not going spend $25.00 dollars to watch a football game with UND against some crappy Division II team that they will blow out 55-0.  
GRAND FORKS, N.D. -- North Dakota political leaders are asking the NCAA to back off and let the state's flagship university keep its Fighting Sioux name and logo, even at the risk of potential blacklisting and scorn by other universities and its own conference.

Lawmaker involvement is a strategy even some University of North Dakota boosters question, and is unique among schools forced to decide whether to drop American Indian nicknames deemed hostile and abusive or accept penalties for keeping them.

Fighting Sioux logo Some legislators have said they resent the nickname being characterized as hostile and abusive because the name and logo are treated with respect. Others have said the change is being rammed down their throats by the NCAA.

North Dakota's debate appeared to be resolved when the state Board of Higher Education agreed in 2009 to drop the Fighting Sioux logo and nickname and UND agreed to phase them out by this Aug. 15.
When I read this I have to wonder what Al Carlson thinks the NCAA is going to say? I can't see the NCAA telling the North Dakota delegation on August 12th, ah go ahead and keep the Fighting Sioux nickname, That is not going to happen and most of us know this. 
The meeting was rescheduled for Aug. 12, just three days before the NCAA intends to impose sanctions on UND for the continued use of the Fighting Sioux nickname and a logo.

"We're looking for a final kind of clarity," school spokesman Peter Johnson said.

UND has not yet formed a committee to recommend a new logo. Rep. Al Carlson, the Fargo Republican who pushed for the new state law, said he's holding out hope the NCAA will reconsider.

"I think we have to explain to them why we passed the law," Carlson said.

History is not on UND's side.
I agree that History is not on our side. I am one of the biggest fans of the Fighting Sioux nickname there will ever be, I don’t want to change the Fighting Sioux nickname because the handing wringing p.c. liberal’s will have won the war without any fight from our elected leaders. I am also not happy that political correctness has stuck it’s nose in the University of North Dakota’s business and told us that our logo is “hostile and abusive” it’s not right and political correctness is ruining this once great nation.  We have become a nation of whining ninny’s that think we have a God given right to not be offended. If a small group of people is offended by something we have to change it to appease these groups.
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