Goon's World Extras

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

More on the NCHC...

University of North Dakota Fighting Sioux athl...Image via WikipediaThe NCHC had their first press conference in Colorado Springs today and I found a couple of interesting things in a newspaper article written by Fighting Sioux Hockey beat writer Brad Schlossman that caught my attention. There has been a lot of stuff thrown out there this past week and Brad's article put things in perspective. 
Brad Schlossman; Grand Forks Herald --- The new league, which has taken considerable flak from the national media since its formation was reported last week, de-bunked several myths.

The most notable: These schools did not vote to stay together at April’s WCHA meetings in Florida, which had been previously reported.
Wow!!! We were told that all of the WCHA members voted to stay with the WCHA during the annual American Hockey Coaches Association convention that was held last May in Florida. As you can see now that claim has been refuted with these comments from UND athletic director Brad Faison. So there seems to be a schism among the members of the WCHA.
Brad Schlossman; Grand Forks Herald ---In fact, the idea of the new conference was brought up and was met by a proposal by one athletic director to mandate a six-figure fine for those leaving the league. That proposal was never voted on.

Clearly, though, there were concerns from a few schools. And the more they talked, the closer they moved to starting a new conference.

“The more we talked, the more we recognized what we had in common,” Omaha athletic director Trev Alberts said. “I can’t tell you that there was any specific athletic director or head coach leading the charge. It just happened naturally out of the course of informal conversations.”

Both Faison and Ralph said the talks between the athletic directors have been very productive.

“The level of professionalism in these meetings has been astronomical, it has been through the roof,” Ralph said. “It’s so exciting, so invigorating to be in these meetings. The quality of administrators is second to none. I’m really proud to be part of it.”

The athletic directors confirmed that multiple national outlets have contacted them about broadcasting games. Sources say that Versus, which will soon be re-branded NBC Sports, is one of them.

Faison said the goal is for all games — home and road — to be televised.

“We’ve already had preliminary interest from some national media,” Faison said. “For Fighting Sioux fans, I expect that we’ll find ourselves in position where every game we play will be on TV, which is huge. Television certainly brings some revenue, but the reality is that the exposure, whether it be for recruiting or projecting back to our alumni, is important. We have a good TV platform. This will just enhance that in a dramatic fashion.”
From reading the comments of the article above you can see that the league was not just slapped together  haphazardly,  it looks like a lot of thought has been put into the formation of this college hockey conference. It will be interesting to see what kind of a TV deal the new league can get. I like most Fighting Sioux Hockey fans would love to be able to watch every single game home and away on television, that would be a major accomplishment. Not many Division I college hockey teams can make that claim.

Lastly, I also want to know how a league that is set up by the member schools, who hire the commissioner would allow that league commissioner to fine their member schools six figures for leaving a league? That seems odd to me. 
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