Goon's World Extras

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Game 7 tonight, winner takes all...

Lets get it on...

Tonight is game seven for all of the marbles. Winner takes all; the prize is Lord Stanley’s Cup… Tonight is the last game of hockey for the summer until next October. Game seven the Boston Bruins against the Whiny Vancouver Canucks. I have been accused of hating the Vancouver Canucks, you got me… I think have been pretty consistent in saying that the Canucks are a bunch of diving frauds but also a bunch of poor sports that are disrespectful to the game of hockey.

Why I hate them...

Don’t get me wrong I will give credit where credit is due; sure the Sedin Twins are very talented, I would be an idiot if I didn’t acknowledge their talents, however, their blatant diving and on the ice antics takes away from their offensive numbers and talents, all I see is a couple of Swedes dragging down NHL hockey to level of European soccer, we don’t need to see the game of hockey cheapened. If you want to watch that type of hockey, go watch the NHL Swedish Ice Hockey Federation where you can watch a bunch of Jofa wearing stick swinging, diving Swedes.

Frick and Frack…

Onto the other two the biggest frauds and hacks in the NHL; Maxim Lapierre and Alex Burrows are also two of the biggest frauds and hacks to ever play the game of hockey… Honestly, I am being serious... If you had any question what-so-ever all you had to do was look at the video from the last 6 games, if you’re still confused go to and run both of these two clowns names, there is more than enough material to back up my claims. If I had been playing against these two buffoons I would have had a hard time not punching either of them in the chops.

I also applaud Tim Thomas for his response to Alex Burrows, it should have happened during game one, when Thomas had seen enough he decided to educate Mr. Burrows about the violating his crease… To the clown that suggested that Bruins goalie Tim Thomas deserved a 10-15 game suspension for Tim smacking Burrows with his carbon fiber stick, get a grip… Alex Burrows is very lucky he didn’t hack some one of Ron Hextall’s ilk, we would still be picking pieces of Burrows out of the ice if he had. But I digress.

While I admit that I am a self confessed Canucks hater, so what? I didn’t know that I was required to like the Vancouver Canucks. I have been very consistent in my previous posts leading up to this game I have also seen the main stream sports writers saying the same things. I will stand by the charge that “I believe that the Canucks are one of the most unlikable teams in recent history.” I think on could make the argument that the Vancouver Canucks could be deemed the Habs of the west. You probably know how most Boston Bruins fans feel about the Les Habitants.

Tale of three goaltenders.

Lastly between the pipes it’s Tim Thomas versus the tales of two Roberto Luongos; one version of Roberto Luongo has an impressive 1.70 GAA, .943 save percentage at Rogers arena during the Stanley Cup Finals and the other Roberto Luongo has a woeful .773 save percentage and a GAA of 8.00 + giving up a horrid 15 goals in the three games in Boston. I am wondering which version of Roberto Luongo the Boston Bruins will see tonight in game seven?