Goon's World Extras

Thursday, June 02, 2011

Canucks should change their names to the cannibals.

I have said in the past that the Vancouver Canucks are one of the most unlikable teams in the NHL (next to the Montreal Canadians and their fans); I stand by that observation after watching last night’s on ice antics by the Vancouver Canucks… I mean seriously, what a bunch of hacks, they are a bunch diving ballerinas, dancing and flailing up and down the ice. The Sedin sisters and Alex Burrows are the worst of the offenders. From are you kidding me variety; Alex Burrows are you three years old? Seriously, biting another player on the ice. Alex Burrows should be suspended by the NHL for this bush league move. According to Nick Kypreos from, he seems to think that Alex “the hack” Burrows won’t get suspended by the NHL.
VANCOUVER (AP)---- Boston forward Patrice Bergeron wasn't surprised how quickly the Stanley Cup finals turned nasty, but he was shocked to feel Canucks counterpart Alex Burrows chomp down on the tip of his finger.

Burrows denied it, but could still face discipline from the NHL after replays appeared to show him bite Bergeron's finger during a melee at the end of the first period of Vancouver's 1-0 victory in Game 1 of the Stanley Cup finals on Wednesday night.

''I don't mind rough play and scrums at the end, as long as it's just pushing and shoving and all that,'' Bergeron said. ''But biting? I mean come on.''

In a game with an unexpected amount of edge between teams that meet once a season, Burrows and Bergeron were in the middle of a big scrum behind the Boston net at the end of the first period. That's when Bergeron says Burrows bit down as he reached over a linesman to put his glove in Burrows' face.

''Oh yeah, he did. He cut me a little bit on my finger,'' said Bergeron, whose right index finger was wrapped in a small bandage. ''One of his teeth caught under my nail. We just disinfected it and I'm going to take some antibiotics just to make sure. Obviously, it's not that bad but I don't want to take any risks.''

Bergeron, who played mostly against the Canucks' top line, went straight to the referees after holding up his injured finger.

''They didn't see it,'' Bergeron said. ''We were speaking French, me and (Burrows), and I told him, 'Why did you do that?' That linesmen speaks French, and his explanation was he said that I put my finger in his mouth and he had to do it. I'll leave it at that, but I'm sure the league is going to look at it.''

Burrows, who received a double minor for roughing – Bergeron only got one minor penalty for roughing – denied biting Bergeron.

''I don't think so,'' Burrows said. ''He had his fingers in my mouth, but I don't think I bit him. He put his hand up and put it in my face and his fingers in my mouth and that's what happened.''

Asked if he expected to be suspended, Burrows glared and said, ''next question.''