Goon's World Extras

Monday, May 23, 2011

Ryane Clowe tap on Ryan Kessler...

Holy Cow! Are you kidding me? The dive by Canucks forward Ryan Kessler was worse than I had originally thought it was... If you watch the video you will see that San Jose Sharks forward Ryan Clowe barely touched Ryan Kessler who then flops to the ice like he has been shot.... If you noticed the announcers didn't spend a lot of time talking about the Clowe love tap either, also look how concerned Kessler's teammates were as well, they knew. What a fraud!!! This Vancouver Canucks team is a bunch of phonies that looked like they spent last summer taking acting and drama classes. These clown Vancouver Canucks throw their head back any time they are touched by the San Jose Sharks. 
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