Goon's World Extras

Friday, May 27, 2011

J.R. on Kaberle; his stick made out of Jell-O

Jeremy Roenick in warmups before a game versus...Image via WikipediaI just love the stuff that comes out of former NHL star Jeremy Roenick's mouth, he is always good for a one liner or a zinger, he could probably write a book full of zingers. I couldn't agree more, Tomas Kaberle has been an utter disappointment and a passenger during the Stanley Cup Playoffs and it's a shame that they gave up a first round draft pick to get this guy.
WEEI ---- Roenick said that he was sticking with his prediction, made before the Eastern Conference finals, that the Bruins would advance to the Stanley Cup finals in seven games. That said, he noted a couple of players whom he believes need to elevate their games in order for that outcome to reach fruition.

Roenick suggested that having Tomas Kaberle (who has no goals and 8 assists in the playoffs) anchoring the power play was a mistake, in part because he's not a threat to get the puck on net.

"He’s got a stick made of Jell-O. Kaberle doesn’t have a very good shot. He’s a playmaker and a very good playmaker. He shouldn’t be at the top putting shots on net," said Roenick. "You should have Dennis Seidenberg up at the top pounding the puck on net, Kaberle on the side positioning the puck to the net. I think Kaberle played his best game maybe of the playoffs his last game. But I don’t think he’s been very good in the playoffs at all, not to mention since he came over from Toronto. He’s got to up his game another level.

"He’s one of those guys who can make the difference if he just makes the simple play, the right play, like he has for many years, which has made him so good."
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