Goon's World Extras

Monday, May 09, 2011

Edit: The Bisonville faithful are at it again...

EDIT: This is the kind of crap that you see on the message board from our neighbors to the south on a regular basis. That's why I refer to this objectionable message board as Belligerentville.... Just for the record; while the cartoon in question was posted by an alleged Bison fan Notorious, the actual cartoon in question was drawn by this artist Marty G. Two Bulls.

Here is my question to the readers; I want to make sure that I am getting this right. Are we to believe that Govenor Jack Dalrymple is a KKK Clansman because he signed a bill that had great support from the people of North Dakota to keep the Fighting Sioux nickname?

From what I have gleaned from reading the political blogs and various newspaper articles around the state of North Dakota, it was kind of inferred that the Governor of North Dakota “wasn’t” all that crazy about signing this bill in the first place and might have after receiving a lot of pressure from people around North Dakota.