Goon's World Extras

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Redwing77's NHL Playoff Preview and First Round Predictions

Ok, here's where I run down my first round predictions and what I think of every NHL Playoff team.

First off, congrats to all of the teams who made it to the second season. So sorry, Dallas, thanks for playing. Perhaps Dave Tippett wasn't in fact the right answer...right? Hello? Uh... my bad.

Secondly, so sorry for the fans of the Minnesota Wild. For a while there you thought you had a chance at the postseason. Kindof like how the Timberwolves feel every opening day in the NBA. However, shortly thereafter, that feeling goes away.

Anyways, the teams and the matchups:

First, Tampa Bay vs. Pittsburgh:

Predictable I'm sure but... I don't want Pittsburgh to win. They are the media darling and everyone loves them, I guess. With Crosby out, the media, to their credit, has found that the Penguins do in fact have more than just Crosby and Malkin. They've now heaped massive amounts of praise on Marc-Andre Fleury. True to their claims, he has been rather good this year. And that's saying something considering I hold Fleury in only slightly better regard than Carey Price.

I'm going to go with my heart here and say that Tampa Bay takes it in 7. I know the media expects the Pens to win it, but... I like Tampa because they deserve it and it would be hilarious to see ESPN and NHL Network turn into apologists for Gary Bettman's team. Also, just for the record, I'd like Tampa to take the series WITH Crosby on the ice. I'd also love it if Malkin were playing too, but he's out for the season. This would eliminate the apologist claims that Crosby's absence was the key to the Lightning's success. As per form, the media is all over the Penguins' losses as due to injury to Crosby. There has never been a better team than Pittsburgh since Crosby was drafted and it is only to circumstance and injury trouble that the Penguins haven't gone undefeated in the years since Crosby came to Pittsburgh.

Next: Vancouver vs. Chicago

I want Chicago. I know Chicago is a rival of my Wings but I love the way they play and the way their team is set up. They're almost like the Anti-Red Wings in the fact that the Red Wings go for veterans and the Hawks go to youth. Toews is a monster and Kane's not bad either.

However, if it comes down to goaltending, I think Luongo (despite the choke jobs he's done in the past) will come away with the victory. Crawford has been great at times but consistency is an issue.

I predict: Chicago in 7

Rangers vs. Caps:

Ok, this is probably THE most likely upset of the first round. The Rangers are playing well and have a great goaltender. The Caps have Ovechkin and they have... did I mention Ovechkin? Their goaltending has to be the youngest trio in the playoffs... perhaps in the NHL? And inconsistency has been a real pain. If the Rangers were smart, they'd try to bog down the Caps offense and turn it into a defensive contest. If that happens, Rangers win.

Rangers in 6.

Nashville vs. Anaheim:

This is, in my opinion, the best first round matchup to be played "in the dark." Meaning, no TV coverage. Nashville is a nice story and Anaheim is boring. Yeah, they got Corey Perry, Ryan Getzlaf, and Bobby Ryan, but they are a one line wonder. Nashville has a goaltender. A darn good one. But that's it. I'm not sure anyone can name their first line.

Meh. I'm going to go with Keith Jones of the NHL Network and say that the Predators win their first playoff series just for kicks. They'll do it in 5.

Montreal vs. Boston

Montreal is Carey Price. Beat Price, and Les Habitants go away. Hey Bruins: Beat Price. Beat him like a rented mule. Make him throw hissy fits again. Make him shoot pucks at the opposing players during their goal celebratory hugs. And, while you're at it, do it while making Price look good enough that the Canadiens blow a ton of cash on an extension so that Price can return to the 3.00+ GAA and the .895 Save% for the remainder of his contract.

Boston in 6.

LA vs. San Jose:

Blah. I guess LA is banged up. I hear that San Jose doesn't have that great of goaltending. Niemi shines and SJ advances. I don't see them winning more than 3 games... because if they did, they'd advance.

I'm going to say Greene pulls it out in the end. LA in 7.

Buffalo vs. Philly:

Philly has goaltending issues. Buffalo has goal scoring issues. This series could be very interesting or a complete snoozefest. Philly enters with the goaltender most likely to be pulled in Game 1 for a backup in Bobobsky (I know I'm misspelling his last name). Miller might not be 100% but I'll take him in a second over any of Philly's goaltenders. Vanek needs to be hot and Stafford needs to be timely if Buffalo has a chance.

That being said, if Pronger returns, a Sabre will get injured and the Flyers will advance.

Philly in 6.

Phoenix vs. DA WINGS!!!!

The Wings are banged up. Datsyuk is back, thank god, but Zetterberg is out at least Game 1 and Franzen is colder than the arctic circle. Injury issues can be the death of the Wings because I don't trust the depth. Our depth is either too role player heavy or too old. Modano is what... 65? Howard is nice and all but he can let some doozies past him. At least he's not Wasgood (Osgood for you who don't know).

Bryzgalov is the better goaltender and I still think my wings are the better offensive talent.

I don't think the Wings will win it all this year. They're not 100% when they needed it the most. And they're not clicking as well either. I say they squeak past Phoenix and bow out again in the second round.

Detroit in 7.