Goon's World Extras

Saturday, April 09, 2011

Let's grab some reality...

Press Enterprise
In case you have seen it, check out this post on Sioux Sports.
You must also be a Minnesota Twins fan. Consistently able to get to the playoffs, but just as consistent losing when they get there.

Another thing people should look at is Hakstol has made all these Frozen Fours, but he has only made the title game once. That shows a consistent pattern of (cough cough) not being able to win the big one.

Hakstol = Doug Woog with hair

Here is my response to a poster over on Sioux Sports, I refer to these people as the Debbie Downers or Negative Nellie’s of the World...I have no idea who this person is or do I have any thing against said person. Could be my next door neighbor for all that I know.

So you would rather have Scott Sandelin coach the Sioux than Dave Hakstol? First off Sandy isn’t ever coming back, the word on the street is that his wife hated it here in Grand Forks, ND, I have heard this numerous times so I tend to believe this.

We could start comparing numbers of the two coaches and if Sandy's team doesn't win the NCAA championship I would say that Coach Hakstol is still quite a bit better coach than Scott Sandelin, one could probably still make the argument even if his team wins it all tonight. Let’s not forget that disgruntled UMD fans were calling for this same coach’s head on a silver platter just a short time ago. There were people that wanted to run him out of town on a rail

It amazes me that the Dave Hakstol haters come on here and the minute his team loses a big game and demand that coach Hakstol fired...What is the University go to fire him for? The Fighting Sioux almost won the Triple Crown of College Hockey; they basically were on game short. There is no just cause to fire Coach Hakstol what-so-ever. The haters got all of the answers. Ok hey Hakstol haters, I have a suggestion for you; if you want Hakstol to be fired, I suggest you step up to the plate and open your wallet and buy out Hakstol’s contract, do you have 500,000.00 to a couple of million sitting around in your check book to buy him out? Unless the Fighting Sioux have a string of losing seasons and or a major ethical or criminal scandal with the program the head coach isn’t going anywhere unless; the professional ranks come calling, which is possible.

My next question is; who the hell do you want to coach this team? I would be willing to wager that no matter who was coaching this team Thursday night would have had the same result in the end. Do you think that Blais would have an answer for the way the Wolverines played? Coaches don’t put on skates and score goals and or make body checks. The Wolverines are coached by a 71 year old future college hockey hall of fame coach and his team beat the Sioux at their own game. We really need to give credit where credit is due; that was a hell of a good job exploiting all of the Fighting Sioux tendencies. If any thing we might need to applaud Red who has been coaching probably longer than many in the business have been alive.

Hey let the debate begin...