Goon's World Extras

Monday, April 11, 2011

Hey Richards! Guess what! You're Fired! (REDWING77)

For being unable to produce something from Mikko Koivu, a second hand man, a perimeter Johnny Come Around Whenever, a few gritty forwards, and a bunch of AHLers.

Why is Richards being fired when the problem the Wild has is that they have no ability to draft offensive players, they have no one in their farm system who can score, and they refuse to spend the big money on players who can change this dynamic? To me, this is a problem that starts with the ownership and stops in the front office. On’s comment section on the article which states of Todd Richards’ dismissal, a random poster who goes by “tyjohn47” posted the following comment:

It's only the first step. Word around the Wild campfire is that the only person in the organization that is safe is Mikko Koivu. Havlat will most likely be dealt. He can do well as a secondary option but it is clear he is not and should not be a teams primary scoring option.

If the Wild can unload the final year of Backstrom's contract on a team...perhaps the Caps if/when the Caps stumble in the playoffs again this season due to their ####-poor goaltending situation?? Brent Burns is heading into the final year of his contract and he may well command a contract with $ similar to they'll have to make a decision on him too. Zidlicky...gone....he costs way too much for as often as he is hurt.

The Wild need to get younger, faster, tougher and a lot more athletic, quite frankly. Richards did the best he possibly could have with what he had. No stain on him, here. For those blaming Fletcher, fair enough but also understand this much before you throw him under the bus; owner Craig Leipold more or less ordered him to try and make the playoffs and Fletcher did as he was told.

Fletcher thus far is 0 for 3 in making player for player trades bringing in Latendresse who had a very good season in 09-10 but played all of 11 games this season, Chuck Kobasew who couldn't score in a whorehouse and Cam Barker who the Blackhawks were more than happy to unload on to the Wild late last season.

The time has come to clean house and start over in St. Paul.

I’m having a hard time disagreeing with him. The Wild are a disappointment from top to bottom. They spend money on players who don’t command such a high price (regardless of what the market or their agents suggest). They pass on players who are high priced for the right reasons. They subscribe to a system that either worked in the 1970s or are doomed to fail from the get go with the player personnel they have. To make matters worse, you can have a great system but it can take so long to get out from underneath the weighted rock of the financials and player personnel that it can ruin whatever chances a coach has of being successful.

I know the high stakes free agency market can be hard to afford if not downright ridiculous (Kovalchuk anyone?) but… Kovalchuk started out sucking… and ended the year with 31 goals. Havlat finished the year leading the team with 22 goals… the next best was that torrid goal scorer… Cal Clutterbuck with 19! Yeah… if those two were my leading goal scorers, I’d pretty much mail it in too.

This Wild team has been built to win the 1-0, 2-1 snoozefests. I guess I was spoiled watching a team like the Red Wings who, over the past 10 years or so or maybe even more, do such wonderful things as scoring an average of more than 3 goals per game. The last Minnesota team that scored goals decided to move to Dallas.

Fletcher is getting the wrong idea. He thinks that by changing the coach, you’ll get better results out of the players. I still don't see how you are going to get the players to play better than their God-given talent allows. I mean, it's one thing to teach a pig to sit down and roll over upon command. It's completely another issue to try to teach a pig to sing Wagner's Ride of the Valkyrie.

Congrats to Fletcher for firing the coach 2 years into a 5-6 year rebuilding process. Well, back to the 5-6 year rebuilding process.