Goon's World Extras

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Where have you been NHL? Finally Cooke gets some justice...

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I am going to piggy back on what Redwing77 said earlier. Now that the NHL has made an example out of Matt Cooke, one must ask the question, what took the NHL head office so long to finally give Matt Cooke what he has deserved for so long. This suspension was long overdue and it’s too short in my opinion, Matt Cooke deserves to be suspended for the rest of this year and all the way through the playoffs and add ten games to start next season, then I would be satisfied. Like I said already, Matt Cooke has deserved this suspension for a very long time and it's time for the NHL to make a statement against d-bags thugs like Matt Cooke. It's time for the NHL to take a stand and say that enough is enough... Don’t get me wrong, I am all for playing hard nosed hockey and playing a physical game with in the rules of the game but you can’t excuse what Cooke does on a day to day basis. Cooke not only crosses the line, he has no idea where the line has been drawn. This suspension should refocus Matt Cooke and remind him that the NHL will no longer tolerate his bag of tricks anymore.
DETROIT --There is only anecdotal evidence that controversial Penguins winger Matt Cooke has found enlightenment after his latest nasty hit -- an elbow to the head of New York Rangers defenseman Ryan McDonagh on Sunday that led the NHL to suspend him Monday through Round 1 of the Stanley Cup playoffs.

"After the game with me, and when I saw him at the airport and the ride in, he said all the right things," Penguins general manager Ray Shero said yesterday of Cooke. "He takes full responsibility. He sent Ryan McDonagh a text.

"The words are great, but it's going to be your actions when you come back as a player and still be a productive player in the league. That's going to be up to Matt Cooke."

Cooke, who has been suspended five times overall and four in three seasons with the Penguins, has defended himself in previous disciplinary hearings with NHL Hockey Operations. He didn't take that tact Toronto yesterday.

"In the past, I've been very defensive and have argued my point," he said. "The (Players Association) talks, they argue their point; and your agent gets on and defends you a lot.

"I realize and understand more so now than ever that I need to change. That was what I wanted my message to be.
And now after “uber hack” has been suspended and he can’t play for the rest of the regular season and for one series into the NHL playoffs we are to believe that Matt Cooke has finally had an epiphany and seen the light and will now finally play within the rules of the game? Really Matt? Forgive me if I am coming off as being a little bit cynical but the proof is in the pudding and I have seen a lot of foul dishes of pudding served up by Matt Cooke... I also wonder if these masters of thuggery had been punished in the past like they deserved, maybe they wouldn’t still be doing these questionable things. Matt Cooke has felt the sting that he deserved a long time ago and the next time he screws up he should be banished for even longer. I just don’t trust anything this psychopath says until he proves us wrong and Cooke has a long ways to go to prove us wrong. As it stands right now I hold Cooke in a very low regard on the same level as the dog excrement that you scrap off of your shoe - that's pretty low.