Goon's World Extras

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Uber Hack Matt Cooke is up to his old tricks.

Whenever I read Mario Lemieux’s comments about the league protecting it’s players I have to wonder if Mario is oblivious to the fact that on roster of the team he owns is one of the dirtiest and most despised players currently playing in the NHL. It seems like almost every week we are talking about “uber douche” Matt Cooke and his on ice transgressions. It’s time for the NHL to suspend this worthless P.O.S. before he kills someone or paralyzes someone for life, enough is enough.
“We, as a league, must do a better job of protecting the integrity of the game and the safety of our players. We must make it clear that those kinds of actions will not be tolerated and will be met with meaningful disciplinary action.

“If the events relating to Friday night reflect the state of the league, I need to re-think whether I want to be a part of it.”
Today we have Matt Cooke driving his elbow into Ryan McDonagh’s head. Seriously! There is no excuse for that play, there is no reason that Matt Cooke should play again during the regular season, I also believe that Matt Cooke should be suspended for the first round of the playoffs for this latest escapade. I also believe that Ken Daneyko is right when he says “that the NHL [should declare] open season for one week on Matt Cooke. You won't get suspended. Then we'll see if he'll continue [his behavior] for the rest of the season or his career." Also, if Mario had any cojones he would suspend Matt Cooke for the rest of the year to send a message that he is serious about player safety, if not he has egg on his face.