Goon's World Extras

Friday, March 25, 2011

Ode to the Blown Bracket (Redwing77)

It's only the first day! But yup. My brackets shot to hell...sorta.

Union vs. UMD - Got this one right. Union shows that, though they are a good program, they haven't played anyone. UMD has had a tough schedule having to play teams like UND, DU, CC, UW, and UNO.

Yale vs. AFA - Unfortunately, I got this one right. I know I said unfortunately, because I know deep down AFA could have beat Yale. Yale is just like Union... Talented, but have played nobody. They're a lot like the SDSU of college hockey. Sure SDSU was something like 30 and 3 in this year's basketball season but they played nobody and UCONN destroyed them. The AHA somehow manages to be a weaker conference than the ECACHLMAO and they still took Yale to OT.

Yale vs. UMD - UMD easy. This will be the only bracket that will go according to my prediction. UMD will win because Yale hasn't played a team like UMD all season long. The Bulldogs of Yale bowing out to not even the best WCHA team would be epic and awesome.

UMich vs. UNO - I can't honestly remember who I picked for this matchup. However, I believe I picked UNO. When I went to the gym, UNO was up 2-0. And then they fell prey to the reason why I thought they would fall eventually: Not enough firepower to keep up with the big powers. Michigan is NOT a great team. They laid an egg to a slightly above average WMU team and it took the refs to give them the game vs. UNO. And I don't care about the blown call: UNO should have won this game so that the call wouldn't have had to be blown in the first place.

BC vs. CC - This game I went INCREDIBLY wrong and I let everyone who listened in to 1310 am this afternoon know how wrong I was. Who knew BC would score 4 goals and lose? Who thought CC would score EIGHT goals? You know what this reminds me of? Last year. UND vs. Yale. BC was totally looking forward to Michigan. Now they can look forward to Michigan without the pressure of actually having to play them. I guess Howe came up for them but 4 goals does not a great goaltender makes.

CC vs. Michigan - Well, I lose regardless in this bracket so I'm going to give the feel good props to CC. Michigan SHOULD win this game but BC SHOULD have won tonight so.. There you go.

This NCAA tourney isn't like the basketball tourney where #1s and #2s are dropping like flies... but year in and year out we learn that there is a reason why they play the games.

I just hope we don't pull a 2011 BC and RPI doesn't pull a 2011 CC. And maybe Goon wasn't smoking something when he predicted WMU beating DU. I don't know. I still have it UND vs. DU.