Goon's World Extras

Friday, March 18, 2011

University of North Dakota to Hold Firm on Board’s Direction, Despite Legislature Ruling

This story is developing, looks like UND and the NDSBoHE is setting themselves up for a fight with the North Dakota Legislature .
GRAND FORKS, ND: Even though North Dakota Governor Jack Dalrymple signed a bill on Tuesday that would sanction the use of the Fighting Sioux logo for UND’s athletic teams, school officials will still uphold the Board of Higher Education’s earlier decision to drop the contentious Indian head logo…at least for now.

Speaking yesterday on the Scott Hennen Show, University of North Dakota spokesman Peter Johnson clarifies the University’s official position regarding the new bill:

“I dictate to the Board what the Board’s position is and they have not yet met to officially alter their position. So that got out in a way that caused me some problems and hassles. But in no way shape or form did we intend to thumb our nose at the legislature. But unfortunately, that’s how it sounded and it sounded that I was doing that.”

Mr. Johnson’s latest comments address charges from critics who characterize the Board of Higher Education’s reaction as defiant to the legislature’s authority and the rule of law.

The House passed the bill on a 65-28 vote. The Senate passed it on a 28-15 vote.