Goon's World Extras

Sunday, January 30, 2011

What do you think of people who end Anthem with Sioux instead of brave?

Ah this is nice, another shot across the bow by a P.C. blow hard. We get it Dave you hate the Fighting Sioux logo and everything UND, it's not that hard to figure out from your writings. I am sure it upsets you that the Fighting Sioux rebounded and soundly defeated the C.C. Tigers and Sioux fans dared enjoy the win in an fellow opponents arena that probably would've sounded like a quiet Mausoleum if it wasn't for the Sioux fans that were present at the World Arena last night.
Dave Ramsey Gazette --- Saturday night, North Dakota fans invaded World Arena in force. These fans made more noise than Colorado College fans, which makes sense. They had plenty to cheer about in North Dakota’s 6-0 victory.

They had fun. They made a lot of noise. And that’s all fine.

But they began the night by shouting “home of the SIOUX” instead of “home of the brave.” Guess the actual words of the anthem aren’t quite good enough for North Dakota fans. And, I guess, in the land of free North Dakota fans can sing the anthem any way they want, even if this behavior offends and saddens those who care about our great country and its great anthem.

Glad my dad wasn’t around to listen to his National Anthem polluted by the North Dakota shouters. Guess it’s just another one of those traditions UND fans cling to so fiercely.

What do you think of this behavior by North Dakota fans?

Let me know.
First off, I wore the uniform of my countries military and I see nothing disrespectful with saying and the home of the Sioux at the end of the national anthem. This is a whole lot to do about nothing and more whining about the Fighting Sioux logo and their fans… Personally, I am not going to stop doing it. Why should I? I don’t need a history lesson to know what our nation’s flag stands for. I am a veteran that answered the call and picked up a weapon to defended this great country so self proclaimed elites like you could have your precious freedom of speech protected. In Chicago the Blackhawks fans cheer and clap through the whole national anthem and the building shakes. So what? What do you want? You want people to be arrested for saying the home of the Sioux? What is this guy and the P.C. crowd going to complain about where there no longer is a Fighting Sioux nickname? The Sioux will still be the big mean ______________!!!