Goon's World Extras

Saturday, January 08, 2011

WCHA Buffoons Blow Another Replay

How many is this now? I thought that the instant replay was supposed to be used to get it right rather than making things worse.

Anyway this video has the Trupp goal that was disallowed by the buffoons on ice, otherwise know as Adam and Mason. The first view of the disallowed goal is clear that the puck was in the net BEFORE the whistle blew.

As you can see the puck went DIRECTLY into the net. There is no conceivable way that the referee could have blown the whistle before the puck went in.

The referee was on the side of the net the puck went in. Because of that he may not have seen the puck go in. But the goal judge certainly did. Why do we even have goal judges.

Coach Hakstol said he was told by Buffoon Adam that they weren't sure enough the puck went in before the whistle. Well the overhead camera is definitive and they certainly should have a feel for how fast the puck went into the net.

Anyway, just to cheer you up, we won the game. The difference maker is at the end of the tape which was Matt Frattin's goal of beauty. It won't go down as the game winning goal, but there's no doubt that this was the crucial play.

Goon documented the WCHA buffoons screwing up the instant replays over the Thanksgiving weekend.

Here's one where Buffoon Anderson disallowed a Frattin goal that was called a goal on ice.

Here's where the Buffoon officiating crew allowed a goal that was disallowed on ice to tie the game.

And here's the Buffoon head of officials' lame excuse for their buffoonery. As was pointed out by PCM, there is no way they can say the Notre Dame player didn't interfere with our goalie without calling a penalty.