Goon's World Extras

Sunday, January 23, 2011

There Are Few Consequences to UND For Keeping Sioux Identity

There never was:

Three bills are coming up for legislative hearings to save the name but Harmeson says that the argument has been over inflated and the solution is simple “There is nothing and probably never will be anything in the NCAA Constitution about rousting a team for their mascot”.

Harmeson’s simple solution is to keep the name. He says that there will be some concessions that have to be made “During any NCAA-owned event the school could not make reference to the nickname and logo”...

Harmeson during a call to the Scott Hennen Show said that the decision to keep the name during home games is one that could be made by the administration “In a minute”.

Of course the University administration and the Board of Higher education are hostile to the Sioux name.

If you remember right the prior administration, of which Harmeson was an important member, was fighting to keep the name. The Hoeven appointed Board of Higher adminstration forced an awful settlement. The North Dakota Attorney General, Wayne Stenejhem said that there would be high level meetings including Hoeven and himself with tribal leadership to keep the name.

Those meetings NEVER happened because of the elitist attitude of the State's administration. They'd rather create a sense of hostility between the members of the Indian tribes and the people of the Grand Forks and Sioux fans.

When the Spirit Lake tribe said Hell yes we want UND to be known as the Sioux the Board of Higher Education made up an issue and said that they couldn't wait for the Standing Rock Tribe to have their say.

Their manufactured reason was that we needed to drop the name to get into the Summit league. Of course that wasn't an issue, it was just an excuse to drop the name supported by Tribal Members and UND Alumni 2 to 1.

We dropped our application to the Summit, it wasn't important.

This entire thing has been about hostility by the elites on the Board of Higher Education and the University Administration to the Tribal Members and the People of Grand Forks.

The Fighting Sioux name is worth saving. The jerks on the Higher Education Board and the University Administration should shut and start working for us rather than working against us.

Cross posted from