Goon's World Extras

Monday, January 03, 2011

TEAM Canada 4, Some American guys 1 (REDWING77)

Yeah, I said it.

The American team came out and played like crap. It really looked a lot like UND playing Holy Cross a few years back. USA looked, not totally outclassed, UNBELIEVABLY outclassed.

Jack Campbell... wow. Thanks, guy. Thank you for showing up. Too bad everyone else was too busy planning what they were going to do when the game was over to worry about playing the game.

The US played heartless. They played like they were scared of the Canadians. They had opportunities to shoot the puck and they decided to try to get closer to the net. This made the outstanding Canadian D say to themselves "Happy Boxing Day! This is too easy!"

Canadian Goaltender Visentin wasn't tested. I don't know how good he is. Team USA didn't make him do much. He probably could have shored up his CIS degree while awaiting the American team do ANYTHING worth his attention.

The First Period ended with the Americans being outshot 10-4. The second period wasn't much better.

The third? Meh. Too little too late.

The officiating was decent. A missed call on Team Canada when a Team Canada player left his feet to make sure Brock Nelson went into the Team Canada bench. The officials got a quick make up call soon thereafter and the Americans were meh.

We were the experienced team here. We were actually FAVORITES!!!! We had an opportunity to prove that we belonged in front of some of our own fans in our own country. We blew it.

After the game, Chris Kreider talked about how the upcoming bronze medal game vs. Sweden was a game about pride. REALLY? Where was the PRIDE in this game?


I am not too impressed with Allain. I don't know if I'd ask him back again as a head coach. I would have tried again to get Blais to come back. Heck, he won it all. Let him do it again.

Or perhaps bring in an American coach that has won it all lately... like Jerry York or Mike Eaves or Enrico Blaisi, or perhaps there's an American coach somewhere in the WHL.

The other think I think of is the schedules. Everyone talks about how the Canadians had the path of death or whatever. Well, they built their team to win by playing in it and, although they didn't play well at times, they did enough to not only stay competitive, but to win when it mattered.

It would not be surprising to me if Sweden won. Heck, if the US came out as well prepared (sarcastically speaking) on Wednesday as they did tonight, I suspect Sweden runs all over the Americans.

Optimistically speaking, I'm hoping for a Bronze Medal for Forbort and Nelson. Realistically speaking, I don't know who will win.

As for Gold, we're stuck with the Arrogance to the North vs. the Divers from Asia/Eastern Europe.

Well... I despise Canadian hockey fans for their arrogance and condescending attitude, but they play clean. So, despite their fanbase, I'm going to root for Canada vs. the Diving team from Russia.

I hope Forbort and Nelson do what's best and bring all of their luggage to the arena or check what they can ahead of time. Then have their Airport Shuttle waiting outside so they can get out of Buffalo AHEAD of the exiting fans! I'd want to put this entire embarrassment behind me as fast as possible.