Goon's World Extras

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Slashing someone with your stick is considered sticking up for them… Right!

You can't make this stuff up. It’s too bad that Jacob aka C-Piss Cepis isn’t good enough to play in the Swedish Elite league because his bush league tactics would probably be a hit over there, they may swing stick in the Euro Leagues but its frowned upon over here in North America. North American settle their differences on the ice like men. Check out Roman's latest blog post about Jacob Cepis...

"You like playing the best teams and North Dakota is probably the best team we've played all year," Cepis said. "No. 2 in the country [at the time]. Don [coach Don Lucia] gave us some pretty interesting stats. Their record at home on Fridays was just ridiculous. How can you not like playing games like that? It is going to be crazy like it was.

"I enjoyed it. It is the best atmosphere to get it going."

Cepis did his part to stir things up, too, at the end of the second period in the first game. After Sioux center Brad Malone checked Gophers defenseman Kevin Wehrs hard into the endboards, Cepis came to his teammate's aid and got a slashing penalty during a big scrum involving almost every player from both teams..

"I just wanted to back up Kevin to prove a point," said Cepis, the smallest Gopher at 5-8, 170. "If a guy gets hits like that whether it is clean or not clean, there has to be some room to say something to somebody and let them know that is not going to happen. I just thought it was the time to get in there and help a guy out."

Cepis liked the way his teammates responded to his lead.
I like I said last Monday on R.J. Richards radio show on KNOX 1310; C-Piss is lucky he doesn’t have to answer for his antics on the ice by having to fight when he does something questionable or bush league. There is also no way C-Piss would fool around with Ben Blood or Andrew MacWilliam if he had to fight, both players would wipe the ice with C-Piss. This is why I refer to the Gopher as “Minnesota’s Pansies on Ice.” They are a bunch of pansies that run their mouth and then hide behind the on ice officials and beg that one of the refs save them.

The other bush league tactics of cross checking a player when he already had two guys laying on him is looked at as standing up for your teammate; I look at it as being gutless chicken. If you want to stand up for a teammate you do what Mario Lamoureux did when he challenged Tony Turgeon to a fight. You don’t pick out the smallest guy you can find and challenge him you take on the guy that did the hit or act that you took issue with. This is one Gopher hockey player that I wont miss when his eligibility is done.