Goon's World Extras

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Uber Hack Matt Cooke is up to his old tricks...

Watch this video of uber hack Matt Cooke as he throws an elbow to the back of Keith Yandle head, there is no excuse for this kind of hockey, Matt Cooke should be suspended for this hit. I am so sick and third of this disgusting POS and his antics. Some day Matt Cooke is going to finally get what is coming to him, eventually someone is going to catch Matt Cooke with his head down and this hack is going to end up paying for his transgressions… You cannot skate up and down the ice throwing cheap shots at people without getting something in return. The Hockey Code demands it.

When this happens I am going to celebrate, sure Evander Kane handed it to him but he hasn’t learned his lesson. The old cliché what comes around goes around. I just hope I get to see it. I can't believe that the Penguins writer for the Bleacher Report said this;
Not only did Cooke provide a goal and kill penalties for the Pens, but it was a penalty that Cooke committed that may have been most important.

In the second period, with the Penguins leading 5-0 and on the penalty kill, Cooke went in on a forecheck and put a forearm to the head of Coyotes defenseman Keith Yandle.

Cooke was sent to the box for two minutes for boarding, and that seemed to be that.

However, after the game the Coyotes were furious with the hit (which in no way appeared dirty to me), and Yandle said, "every guy on our team tried to fight him."
Seriously! You have got to be kidding me? Since when is a a fore arm hit to the head considered clean, that's not dirty to you? Talk about not having a clue... Matt Cooke deserves a beat down for that elbow and should have answered the bell when challenged, but Cooke is gutless puke.