Goon's World Extras

Monday, December 20, 2010

Frattin for Hobey Baker... Why not?

I think that when we start talking about candidates for the Hobey Baker Matt Frattin’s name has to be in the mix, look that the year Frattin is having (17g-8a-25pts), I would say that Frattin has been a man among boys this season. Immediately you will hear about Frattin’s checkered past, I think that’s fair, however, I think the article written by Brad Elliot Schlossman this past weekend, The Road to Redemption is the first step in the right direction because the article brings to light some information that could help sway the committee.

I the reason I think the committee can be swayed is that Matt Frattin could have taken the easy route that other players have and just signed a professional but instead he decided to get his act together and deal with his personal issues and he didn't avoid them but met them head on.

The fact that the University of North Dakota pulled Frattin’s scholarship and Matt Frattin had to pay his own way is even more impressive to me, he could have said screw this… Matt could have just signed the professional contract and taken the money and moved on to the Toronto Maple Leafs but he decided that he had some unfinished business at UND to take care of. Frattin took care of his personal issues worked his butt off to stay in shape worked on the side and went to counseling and I think that is a testament to the kind of guy that Frattin is.

I have known adults that wouldn’t have taken these steps to make things right, they would just moved on and been done with it. Frattin took the path not always traveled came back probably a better player and a better person. Like I said over on Sioux Sports; “let he who is without sin cast the first stone", life is about lessons and we learn from our mistakes and none of us are perfect. I also don’t think any of the previous Hobey Baker Memorial Candidates were either.