Goon's World Extras

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Sunday afternoon pontifications.

After watching great professional and college hockey all weekend long I must say that the Minnesota Viking’s effort this afternoon was a buzz kill. Words like atrocious and brutal come to mind, you can also classify today's effort as an EPIC FAIL. For the life of me I have no Idea why the Vikings owner Ziggy Wilf keeps Brad Childress around. I don’t’ buy the argument that the impending work stoppage has a factor in this.

Vikings fans just think every time the aging and broken down Brent Favre throws another interception (and there have been many this season) that that Viking paid 12+ million dollars for that stiff. What is even more discerning is watching the Viking’s players act like a bunch of spoiled Prima Donnas on the side lines, stop pointing fingers at each other and play some football, your professional athletes start acting like professionals. I am having a hard time believing that the Vikings couldn’t have found a better quarter back for less than 12 million dollars a season. I will take Michael Vick and his antics over this buffoon. I bet Michael Vick isn’t sending raunchy text messages of his member to female employees of the Eagles. I know my dog will never forgive me, but can the Vikes sign Vick and send T-Knuckle and Favre down the road?

Also, the Viking secondary is so poor or porous that it couldn’t cover a receiver from a semi professional league let alone a team from Division III. The Tampa cover 2 defense or what you cant to call it now, is no longer working for the Vikings. The Packers receivers were blowing by the Vikings defenders like they were back pedaling in cement. I am not so sure the Viking secondary could cover me with my blazing speed.

Since I can’t stomach thinking about the Minnesota Vikings football team anymore I thought I would share a few things that I found from the UNO beat writers blog.
Both Blais and UND coach Dave Hakstol downplayed their prior relationship leading up to the series. But you know it was significant for Hakstol to win Friday's opener (there are a good number of North Dakota knuckleheads who are super-critical of Hakstol and refuse to acknowledge how well he's done in succeeding Blais). You also know that Blais, without question, wanted Saturday's series finale to prove his new team could get the better of his old team. Blais' Mavs now are 3-1 in four games against UND and Minnesota. It's a meaningful feat for the coach. And it was no coincidence that Blais, without prompting, offered up this quote -- and said it with purpose -- during Saturday's postgame press conference: “I have a lot of pride in North Dakota. But I have more pride in these guys (at UNO).”

There were rumblings late Saturday night about UNO being offsides on the rush that resulted in Hudson's goal. But when you watch the video, it was way too close to call as it unfolded at game speed. It's the type of play that only becomes apparent when you freeze video or play it in slow motion. By no means was it a glaring blown call (it'd be quite the stretch to call it a blown call at all). The linesman was jumping over the puck as Ambroz moved into the zone along the boards. Most telling, Hakstol and North Dakota's players didn't make an issue of it after the game.

If I was one of leaders on the Fighting Sioux hockey team I would put this picture up in the locker room and keep it there to remind them on how this series against the Mavericks ended. The picture was taken in the lobby of the Quest Center in Omaha after the game. "The UNO hockey team sings the UNO fight song in the lobby of the Qwest Center after a thrilling last second 1-0 victory over North Dakota Saturday evening."

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